Where to Get Body Shop Body Shop installs with the game itself - if you have the game installed, you have Body Shop. TS2BodyShop 2016.06.19 18.46.16.txt (Size: 12. The Sims 2 Body Shop is a program created by Maxis that allows users to create new textures for sim-related content like skintones, hair, clothing, makeup, eyes, etc. The file Bodyshop adds in my Documents folder is attached to the post if this is does show what's going on with my bodyshop. I got the game from Origin if that makes a difference? I don't think it does but you never know ^-^ I'm trying to run bodyshop on windows 7 from the SP9 CSbin. Download free Safe download (103.
I deleted the caches as some forums explained me to do as they corrupt easily. Thank you for trust in PortalProgramas to download. Also setting it as Windows XP service pack 3 compatible won't work. I tried running it as an administrator but that didn't work either. But today I opened up bodyshop and at first it gives me this black screen, then when I clicked on it it gives me a 'The application has crashed, this application will now terminate'. So a few weeks ago I got the sims 2 ultimate collection and I used Bodyshop all the time. I was bit in a struggle on where to post this but since there are a lot of crash threads here I guess it is the right place to post it.