Cut off Your Computer’s Network Connection Finally after using the new profile, try to restart Outlook and check if the problem is solved.You can select to configure the account by yourself or by Outlook. You will be brought to the “Add New Account” window. Next another dialog will pop up, in which you should hit “Add” button and assign a name for this new profile.In the new dialog box, click “Show Profiles” button.Go to Control Panel and change the view to “small icon”.Therefore, in the first place you should create a new Outlook file to have a try. Now that Outlook is stuck at loading profile, there are great chances that this trouble is triggered by a corrupted Outlook profile. On this issue, 12 valid measures will be introduced in this article series. Sometimes in worse situations, Outlook cannot get through this process of loading profile, thereby getting jammed permanently.
Many people have complaint a lot about the Outlook problem – it takes too much time to load profile when starting. In this part, we will discuss about 6 of them. This article series will look at the 12 effective approaches to the annoying issue that Outlook gets stuck in the process of Loading Profile when it’s starting.